Saturday, January 27, 2007

Introducing the Friday Knitting Group

The idea for an office knitting group came about when my co-worker Jenny happened upon me happily knitting in the company lunchroom. She took one look at my size 5 circulars and the bunny rabbit hat emerging from them, and she freaked out. "I KNIT, TOO!! WE SHOULD GET TOGETHER AND KNIT!" The Friday Knitting Group got together for the first time that week. On Friday.

We had a rather paltry turnout at last week's get-together, but I managed to capture a couple of exciting moments nonetheless. Here we have Pauline and Jocelyn working on their projects.

Below we have a shot of Jenny and I proudly displaying our yarn stash. Let me tell you something about Jenny... she is the Grandmaster Flash of knitting. She's one of those knitters to whom you can bring your fingering weight scarf on size 00 needles with dropped stitches running down ten rows (ten PATTERN rows) for first aid, because in mere moments, Jenny will have returned the item to its proper state. Anyway, as you can tell from the picture, Jenny is a little shy. And so am I.

Hopefully, I'll be able to introduce even more of the Friday Knitting Group next week, so stay tuned!

In other news, I've made an eensy, weensy bit of progress on the Lady Eleanor Entrelac Stole. Here it is after about an hour of work (note the nosy Pug lurking the background):

Here's a close-up of the piece. Are the little squares great or what? I love this Noro Silk Garden colorway (#47). It keeps me (of the short attention span) riveted as I furiously knit and knit just to see what the next row will look like. Oooo, it's black! No, wait - now it's brown! Pure knitting joy!

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