Monday, May 14, 2007

Picky Eaters

It was a momentous weekend (drum roll, please)... I convinced Vince to try vegan food! The hubby is a real meat-n-potatoes, sushi, and Panda Express kinda guy, so this was a big, BIG deal. I had to do a fair bit of bargaining to get him to even set foot inside The Vegan Joint, the restaurant where it all went down; in exchange for one vegan lunch, I agreed to let him choose what/where we eat for the next two weekends in a row, PLUS allow him to play Xbox or Playstation for the rest of the day (until 7 pm), PLUS refrain from watching Sex and the City within earshot of him for the rest of the day (again, up until 7 pm). Desperate times call for desperate measures. But as you can see from the pictures below, Vince rather enjoyed the vegan pad thai he ordered. Though he'd never in a million years admit it to me.

The Pug, on the other hand, is not nearly as picky as the Hubby when it comes to what he will eat.

In other momentous news, Lisa's almost done with her second Sheldon!

Below (top left), check out the beatific expression on her face as she happily k's, ssk's, and k2tog's away. And you can see Andrea at work in the background. Also, we got another new member to our Friday Knitting Group, Kim (top right). On the bottom you can see the two resident crazies: Me (with my Lady E) and Ms. Annie.

I desperately tried to take a picture of the elusive Godfather, AKA Jenny, but she refused to let herself be captured on film. If I don't get a snap of her face soon, people are going to think she doesn't exist! Then again, that might only boost her legendary knitting status - she'll become the Loch Ness Monster of knitting!

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