Monday, September 17, 2007

The Emperor's New Bed(s)

This past weekend, our new digs were transformed by a special delivery from two friends, Crate and Barrel. At last, the place would stop looking like it was inhabited by furniture-less squatters and start looking like a real home. Even Oliver got new furniture - a luxe bed resembling a big, fat pug throne. Of course, that didn't stop him from laying claim to the new daybed as well, which had originally been purchased for the human inhabitants of his kingdom. Ordinarily, we would have booted his puggy butt from the pristine furniture, but, guilt-ridden by his recent surgery, we turned a blind eye.

While Oliver and I were lounging on the daybed, [Pseudonym] was going mad trying to assemble the rest of the furniture. His name has been omitted from this post, because as my camera came out to capture his sheer frustration, he yelled, "This'd better not be in your blog!!" To protect his wishes, I have taken careful measures to hide his identity. I have pictured [Pseudonym], below, with his nemesis, the allen wrench. I have to admit that those things are no fun to use, especially when faced with the prospect of putting in 48 screws. [Pseudonym] eventually stomped off to Home Depot to purchase a better tool. He also somehow duped our buddy George into using the discarded allen wrench to help him finish his task. [Pseudonym] had originally tried to pass this odious task on to me, using guilt to sway me. His argument was that I had no idea what he was going through or how hard it was for him to assemble all that furniture by himself. I flatly asked him if he'd like to swallow a bowling ball, carry it around until March, spend that time cranky, crampy, and constipated, and then squeeze it out of his- I'll stop there. You get the picture. And that was the last I heard of that.

1 comment:

Debbie Kee said...

George is very upset his identity was not protected in this photo. ha ha. Nah - he was actually quite elated (and was not too discrete about it, at that) to have guest starred in your blog twice. Me on the other hand. Not so pleased.