Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's That Time of Year Again

Every year, it seems that the holiday season arrives more and more quickly. Wasn't it just the other day that I was obsessing over buying gifts, baking cookies, and trimming the tree? Speaking of trees, Vince and I were a little late this year with setting ours up. Perhaps it's because baby madness has us preoccupied, or perhaps it's because we were still recovering from hosting Thanksgiving, but we didn't get our tree up until just this weekend. Still, we were thrilled to have found a rather realistic-looking fake tree at our favorite store, Target. And it was on sale, no less! Can't beat that.

To round out the weekend festivities, I knit the little bear you see above. I used Vanessa Carter's pattern for him, which I found on my favorite knitting website, Knitty. To my delight, I was able to finish him in less than a weekend's worth of casual knitting. Even better, he required only about half a skein of yarn! Half a skein!! Laugh, if you will, at my utter elation, but I feel like Christmas came early for this knitter.

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