Sunday, August 3, 2008

No Bowl Cut for MY Boy!

Benjamin may have inherited Vince's wavy hair, but he inherited my ability to grow hair at an dismaying speed. I say "dismaying" because getting your hair cut in this town can be pretty expensive, and Benjamin is already in need of a trim a mere three weeks since his first haircut. Being the cheap bastard that I am, I decided to take matters (and Benjamin's life) into my own hands: I cut his hair myself.

I think I deserve a medal for performing this task without removing anything (like ears, a nose, or an eyeball) but hair from Benjamin's head. I mean, take a look at how much this kid squirmed!


Debbie Kee said...

You know - posting these delicious pictures of my nephew, and sending me the link (knowing I can't see him this very SECOND!!!) is as cruel as dangling a juicy steak in front of Kevin's face! I JUST WANT TO GOBBLE THIS LITTLE DUDE UP!?!??! SOOOOOOO CUTE!?!?!?! I MUST see him tomorrow. I MUST! ...first I'll start with the champagne grape toes, then the little fingers.......

wsoftheart said...


wsoftheart said...

p.s. wsoftheart AKA Michelle from Lilburn :)