Thursday, March 11, 2010

Great Minds Poop Alike

It's been my goal this week to snap a picture of my two kids together. I have hundreds (probably thousands) of pictures of the Boo. I'm starting to amass quite a collection of pictures of the She-Boo as well. But what I really wanted was a picture of both of them. After all, there's room for only one photo on the homescreen of my Blackberry, as my desktop wallpaper, and as my Facebook profile pic. Lest I be accused of playing favorites, this means that I need a picture of both of my offspring together. Since Calliope's still a floppy little newborn who needs head support and her brother is a rowdy two-year-old who doesn't realize the power of his own toddler strength, this is the closest that I got:
. Yep, that's Benjamin pooping. And Calliope? I realized a moment after this picture was taken that she was pooping, too.

1 comment:

Debbie Kee said...

haha!!! Hence the look of relief on BOTH of their faces! This is definitely top of my list of most fave photos!!! HAHA! Still laughing!?!