Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Lily's Super Cool Dino Spikes Recipe

How CUTE is this baby? His name is Oren, and he is the unbearably beautiful offspring of my good friend Jess. What makes him even more cute is the crazy cool dino hat he's got perched on his noggin.

The basic body of the hat I adapted from Jennifer Small's Bunny Hat pattern in Stitch 'n' Bitch Nation (a GREAT book, by the way - totally recommend it, and its predecessor, Stitch 'n' Bitch Handbook). I found the bunny hat to be a little too cutesy and not outre enough for my buddies. So I decided to use green yarn (Rowan Wool Cotton in Lime Green - Color 901, I believe), and instead of adding bunny ears and a face, I simply cooked up my own recipe for dino spikes! Here it is...

Using rustproof safety pins, mark out where on the hat you would like the spikes to be. Each spike will be about one inch long, depending on your gauge, and I find that the finished hat looks good with about five spikes.

For each spike, PU 13 sts in a triangle - 5 on two sides and 3 on the third side, with the triangle "pointing" towards the front of the hat.
K 2 rnds.
Rnd 3: k6, k2tog, ssk, k3 - 11 sts
Rnd 4: k5, k2tog, ssk, k2 - 9 sts
Rnds 5 & 6: k2tog twice, ssk, k2tog twice - 3 sts
Break yarn, draw down through spike into hat.

So easy!

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