Thursday, February 8, 2007

Un Vrai Homme Fait de Tricoter

Today's knitting get-together started off just like any other with a few of us gathered in the company lunchroom happily knitting and chatting. Below left is Nancy working away on her scarf. She's knitting so fast the yarn is a blur! On the right is my wool and silk blend Lady E facing off against Lisa's vegan lunch.

The real excitement began when Nancy informed us that two lawyers sitting on the other side of the lunchroom had declined her invitation to join our knitting circle. Never one to turn down a chance to be Ambassador of Knitting, I marched over to stump for my cause with Kishore and Vincent (who is French).

Lily: Tu ne veux pas faire de knitting avec nous? Pourquoi?
Vincent: Je blah blah blah blah homme blah blah blah faire de tricoter blah blah.
Lily: Huh?

Forty seconds of painfully stilted conversation later, I managed to squeeze out this grammatically correct pronouncement: Un vrai homme fait de tricoter! (A real man knits!) Their manhood in question, Vincent and lunch buddy Kishore attempted to prove they were, indeed, vrais hommes. Later in the hour, so did Ed, who claims to come from a rich heritage of Irish knitters.
Were they successful in their quest to prove their vrai homme-ness? I think the pictures speak for themselves.

You'll be happy to know that at least they one of these brave men felt more like a vrai homme. As Vincent walked away, he proclaimed: "I feel more secure in my manhood now."

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