Sunday, July 20, 2008

Baby Idol

Benjamin has always been a very vocal baby. He announced his arrival into the world with ear-piercing wails, he's perfected a cry we now lovingly refer to as "the car alarm," and he is quite fond of proclaiming both pleasure and displeasure with yelps, shrieks, giggles, and chirps. Still, nothing prepared me for his latest vocal milestone - singing a duet with Mommy.

And in case you're wondering, yes I do realize I got some of the lyrics wrong. But who's listening to me when there's a burgeoning American Idol in our midst?


PattyD said...

Rock on Benjamin! :) you know its good to start them young!

Dear LA Drivers said...

Ohhhhhh my God. Is it even possible that my love for Benjamin could grow any bigger?? *kaboom* There went my head!

Michal said...

omg, i'm dying!!!!

Dione M. Surdez Oliver said...

That absolutely melts my heart. My eyes are alllllll welled up! That is one of the most beautiful moments I have ever witnessed! Thank you for sharing, Lily!

Debbie Kee said...

I KNEW it!!! He's going to be a singer just like mommy and Uncle Ree!!! Bye Drums! Bye medicine! Bye number crunching! Hello groupies!!! My nephew is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo talented and he has great hair too!