Monday, October 19, 2009

Boo-Pong, or Creatures of Habit 8

As you may have heard in the news, Georgia has recently been hit by massive flooding. Unfortunately, my parents' home in Georgia was in one of the flood areas. Fortunately, no one was living there at the time. Unfortunately, they live in China, so they had to rush back to do damage control. Fortunately, their flight has a layover at LAX, which means that VERY fortunately,that they get to visit their favorite little man.

As always, Hao Gong and Hao Po were overjoyed to see their grandson. They smothered him with hugs and kisses, their jetlag and weariness from the long flight forgotten.

But soon enough, a familiar pattern of behavior emerged, a sport that I like to call "Boo-Pong." As soon as one of them is holding the Boo, the other get anxious and wants to hold him, too. The result is a rapid back-and-forth. Think of my parents as ping pong players and the Boo as-- Well, you get it.
Since the purpose of this Stateside trip was to tend to their flooded house in Georgia, they were only able to stay for a single night. Thankfully, their return trip to China would bring them back through LA, so we would see them again soon and they would get to continue their game of Boo-Pong.

A week later, they returned and the game was on once again. Hao Gong treated the Boo to a croissant at Coffee Bean. Hao Po helped the Boo go down the slide at the tot lot. Hao Gong held the Boo's little hand while they walked around the neighborhood.

That evening, Hao Gong scored the Boo for some one-one-one reading time.

But then Hao Po lured the Boo away with the scrumptious aromas emanating from her cooking. Later, the Boo showed his appreciation for the fine meal she'd prepared:

After dinner, my parents bid Benjamin a sad farewell before boarding their long flight back to Asia. It's hard to say who won this trip's game of Boo-Pong, but it doesn't really matter.
A good time was had by all, especially the Boo!

You might be thinking at this point, "Wait, a minute... Didn't they forget something? Something soft? Something white? Something Charmin-y?" The answer is "No, of course not!" On their first stopover in LA before continuing on to Georgia, they left behind this:

Can you guess what their instructions were?

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Yaaaaaaay!!! BOO'S delicious!!! :)