Thursday, December 17, 2009

Scary Old Saint Nick Part 1

Last Christmas, Benjamin was still an infant. Sure, he was captivated by the twinkling Christmas lights, and he enjoyed crinkling wrapping paper in his chubby baby fists, but the more abstract concepts surrounding the season were beyond his comprehension. This year, however, he was old enough to start participating in certain holiday traditions, and what better tradition to begin with than with a visit to Santa Claus!

We found out that "Santa" would be visiting Playa Vista courtesy of the LAPD. So on a recent evening, we bundled up the Boo and waited in line for our turn to sit with Santa in his sleigh. Several of his friends were also there, and everyone seemed excited to meet the big red fella. As we waited, Benjamin tapped out a happy rhythm on a park bench and did a little dance in front of the twinkling lights.

Unfortunately, his enthusiasm was short-lived. Benjamin took one look at Santa's big red face obscured by his giant white-beard, and he completed freaked out. Even candy canes offered by a friendly police officer didn't stop his wailing.
. A few days later was our holiday celebration at Emerson. I was a bit nervous because I knew that Santa would be paying the class a visit. However, Benjamin seemed to be feeling happy and relaxed. He listed attentively to Teacher Kathy as she read a Christmas story, and he happily shook jingle bells while we sang carols. Perhaps this time things would be different.
At precisely 11:00 am, the door to the classroom opened and Jolly Old Saint Nick burst in. "Ho! Ho! Ho" he proclaimed. I turned apprehensively to see Benjamin's reaction...

So far, so good. He wasn't jumping for joy, but at least he wasn't hysterically crying like last time. Hmmm... Maybe he'll even be willing to go and sit on Santa's lap.
Nope. As soon as stood up to approach Santa, the Boo started bawling, so we beat a hasty retreat back to where we were on the side of the room.
From our safe vantage point, Benjamin continued to look fearfully at Santa. His eyes were glossy with tears, his lip quivered, and a low whimpering sound came from his throat. Each time I tried to go anywhere, he grabbed my legs and whimpered even more. He eventually sought refuge beneath my belly.
That's funny - I always thought that it was the older sibling who was supposed to protect the younger one!

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