Monday, January 4, 2010

The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

Benjamin's always been an artistic little dude. He may have waited 15 months to start walking, but he began scribbling with crayons months before he turned one. As he's gotten older, he's wanted to experiment with different forms of media such as markers, pens, pencils, and - on a few unfortunate occasions - lip liner. I'm more than happy to supply him with the paper on which to doodle, but he'll often make a single mark on a sheet before casting it aside. What can I say? He's an artiste!
It was time to look for a solution. How to satisfy the artist's craving for perfection but not decimate the rainforests? I tried Aquadoodles, but that only worked until he tried to Yogurtdoodle. And Etch-a-Sketch just didn't have the same satisfying quality that striking a pen across paper did. After seeing Benjamin frantically scribbling on the little chalkboard sign hanging on the front of his miniature shopping cart, it dawned on me - I needed a chalkboard! Since space in our home is at a premium, I decided that a wall-mounted solution would be best. And since I've been feeling too tired/lazy these days to mess with something as involved as sanding, priming, and painting a wall with chalkboard paint, I went with something even better - chalkboard ConTact paper!
I placed an order for a roll of the good stuff on Amazon, and it arrived just two days later. I chose to place Benjamin's new "chalkboard" on one of the sliding glass doors off of his playroom. The glass made a perfectly smooth foundation, and the track which held the doors could act as a trough for catching chalk dust. The ConTact paper was ridiculously easy to put up, and the finished product was just what I was hoping for - a large, smooth, erasable surface on which the Boo could mark and re-mark to his heart's content. And since the paper is plastic, even if he does decide to use something other than chalk on it, a quick wipe with a damp cloth will make it as good as new!
Benjamin immediately got to work going all Jackson Pollock on his new drawing surface.
I wonder if Jackson Pollock ever had trouble keeping his paint where it belonged?

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