Sunday, January 31, 2010

Singing in the Rain

Some people love rainy weather. I am not one of them. The rain makes me cranky, pessimistic, and depressed. Plus, Los Angelenos forget how to drive as soon as there is any precipitation, so in addition to being in a bad mood, the rain makes me fear for my life. Benjamin, on the other hand, doesn't seem to mind the rain one bit. In fact, he really seems to dig it, and taking him outside to splash around gives me one way to tolerate crappy weather.
LA recently went through a week of rain. And it wasn't just any rain; it was good solid sheets of the stuff that thoroughly drenched everything in sight. So last weekend, we dressed Benjamin in his little yellow raincoat and favorite camo galoshes and took him out to search for puddles.
. We found some really good ones in Concert Park. Unfortunately, Benjamin's legs are so short that his galoshes came up past his knees, making it nearly impossible for him to manuever the steps. Luckily, Daddy was there to lend a hand.
After a few minutes of puddle-splashing, Benjamin spotted some friendly crows hanging out nearby. He tried to run to them to introduce himself, but they were too quick for him and flew away.
Benjamin really worked up an appetite with all that splashing around, so we made a stop at the neighborhood Pinkberry, where he refused to let either Mommy or Daddy help feed him.
As you can see, he still needs to work on his table manners. Perhaps we should've done the puddle-splashing after Pinkberry!

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