Sunday, February 28, 2010
We choose the name "Calliope" because it means "beautiful voice." We named her "Josephine" after the woman who has done more to help me in my own journey through motherhood than anyone else - my mother, the strongest, most selfless, and most loving person that I know.
I'll be back later to write more about her hectic first week of life. For now, I need to go catch a few zzzzz's!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Congratulations, Leon and Claire!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Belly Dancing
It's like I turned into a giant, flesh-colored watermelon on toothpicks. Actually, replace "watermelon" with "bag of cats," because sometimes that's what it looks like.
Frightening, isn't it? I don't know about you, but it makes me think of a certain scene from a certain movie involving an alien and Sigourney Weaver.
Before the big day arrives, we're cherishing our last moments with just the Boo. Yesterday, we took a stroll to the neighborhood farmer's market with our buddies the Bowens. Once there, Benjamin and Nolan met up with fellow Playa Vistans Aaron and mom Winnie. Together, the three boys grooved out to the tunes of a street performer.
Later on, Benjamin took his Plasma Car out for a spin. He had a blast, giggling even as he hit a ditch and almost toppled over into the bushes. It was great to hear his laughter and see the carefree smile on his face.
Although I'm certainly worried about how Vince and I will adjust to what life will be like with two kids, I'm almost more worried about how Benjamin will take to it. After all, he's been used to being the only baby in the house, the one on whom all attention is focused. He hasn't had to share anything - his toys, his space, or his Mommy and Daddy.
I'm sure Oliver can tell him a thing or two about that..
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Boo Turns TWO (and more February birthday madness)
. Vince's birthday was the first February event to be celebrated. We marked the occasion by indulging in a sumptuous family-style dinner with a few of our closest friends at nearby Mosto Enoteca. We took a leap of faith by allowing the chef to choose each dish for us and were not disappointed; the meal was one of the best to be devoured ever. After three-and-a-half hours of sheer gluttony in their private dining room, we rolled out of there, happy and sated.
The next evening, we drove down to Long Beach to celebrate Tyler's third birthday at an indoor playground.
Although the Boo was the youngest one there, he had a great time. Never one to let his Liliputian stature hold him back, he jumped right into the fray, swimming in the ball pit, bouncing on the mini-trampoline, and playing "follow the leader" right along with the big kids. He also shocked us with a demonstration of his surprising upper body strength:
Maybe we should sign the kid up for gymnastics classes!
In order to avert a potential conflict with his sister's birth, we celebrated the Boo's birthday a few weeks early. So last Saturday morning right after he woke up, we gave him his birthday gift, a bright green, pint-sized running bike. Also known as a balance bike, running bikes have two wheels and no pedals. The idea is that the child will propel himself with his feet and get a sense of how to balance the bike as it moves without the help of training wheels.
It's hard to believe that our little boy is growing up. It seemed like just the other day that he was born, and in the blink of an eye, two years have passed. In a a few short weeks, Benjamin will have a little sister, and he'll no longer be the baby in our family. But until then, I'll hug, hold, and celebrate Benjamin. Wonderful, beautiful Benjamin.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Hao Po to the Rescue
For most couples, the thought of your mother/mother-in-law unexpectedly crashing with you during one of the most stressful times of your life might be enough to make you run for the hills, but not us. Vince and I knew that her arrival would bring us the relief we needed. Yes, she's not as spry as she used to be. And yes, the woman can be, um... Idiosyncratic. I mean, where do you think I get it from? This particular brand of crazy runs in the family! But even so, my mother likes nothing more than to be a mother. When she's with us, she cooks our meals, she takes care of Benjamin, and she helps me clean. And all she wants in return is to watch Wheel of Fortune at night.
Even more than Pinkberry, however, Benjamin loves to eat Hao Po's cooking. Check out what happens after he inhales his first helping of her Chinese BBQ short ribs. The two things you'll hear him repeating are mo (Benja-speak for "more") and mei you (Chinese for "no more"), as in "give me MORE because there is NO MORE."
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Lilies for Lily at Lilly's or My Surprise Baby Shower
.It's also extremely exhausting. Benjamin, Nolan, and Kayla are a rambunctious crew, and they feed off of one another when together. This makes for a lot of yelling, chasing, and cajoling on the part of us moms. Julie said that after our Friday lunches, she often feels like she's run a marathon!
One day, Sheila suggested that we meet up some weekend for a relaxing brunch sans offspring. Of course Julie and I jumped on the idea, and we decided to have our moms-only brunch in late January at a French cafe in nearby Venice called Lilly's. Parking in Venice can be a nightmare, so Sheila picked us up in her car, and the three of us headed to what I thought was going to be a mellow meal with two friends. We valeted the car and walked into the restaurant, where I saw this:
Monday, February 8, 2010
Seeing Double