Sunday, February 28, 2010


Meet Calliope Josephine Chan. She was born February 23 at 6:59 in the evening. She wasn't scheduled to come out until February 27, but the little girl was just hell-bent on stealing her brother's birthday. Let the sibling rivalry begin!
We choose the name "Calliope" because it means "beautiful voice." We named her "Josephine" after the woman who has done more to help me in my own journey through motherhood than anyone else - my mother, the strongest, most selfless, and most loving person that I know.
I'll be back later to write more about her hectic first week of life. For now, I need to go catch a few zzzzz's!


Vanessa said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy for you, she's a beauty!! said...

Thank you so much! We're thrilled to have her home.