Sunday, February 21, 2010

Belly Dancing

It's hard to believe that in less than a week, the little creature that's been growing in my belly since last June will be an actual child I'll be able to hold in my arms. Part of me is ready for this journey to be over. So long, swollen feet! Bye, bye, backaches! Adios, rude comments about how huuuuuuuge I've gotten! On the other hand, I know that the real trials start once the pregnancy is over and the baby is out. And does the baby ever want to get out! I mean, does it look like my belly can stretch much more than this?
It's like I turned into a giant, flesh-colored watermelon on toothpicks. Actually, replace "watermelon" with "bag of cats," because sometimes that's what it looks like.

Frightening, isn't it? I don't know about you, but it makes me think of a certain scene from a certain movie involving an alien and Sigourney Weaver.

Before the big day arrives, we're cherishing our last moments with just the Boo. Yesterday, we took a stroll to the neighborhood farmer's market with our buddies the Bowens. Once there, Benjamin and Nolan met up with fellow Playa Vistans Aaron and mom Winnie. Together, the three boys grooved out to the tunes of a street performer.

Later on, Benjamin took his Plasma Car out for a spin. He had a blast, giggling even as he hit a ditch and almost toppled over into the bushes. It was great to hear his laughter and see the carefree smile on his face.

Although I'm certainly worried about how Vince and I will adjust to what life will be like with two kids, I'm almost more worried about how Benjamin will take to it. After all, he's been used to being the only baby in the house, the one on whom all attention is focused. He hasn't had to share anything - his toys, his space, or his Mommy and Daddy.

I'm sure Oliver can tell him a thing or two about that.


Debbie Kee said...

Awwwww!?!??! Benjamin will be just FINE!??!? We'll make sure of it!! :) :) He's got plenty of Aunties and Uncles who will give him all the attention he needs! As for Oliver - I can't help but laugh... in the "before and after" photos... he still has the same expression on his flat little puggy face... Even though it's clear that he misses being the only baby in the fam! Now Oliver and Boo can tag team. Boys vs. girl :) :) CAN'T WAIT for BABY girl to come!?!?!? :) :) :) :) LESS THAN A WEEEK!?!?!? AAAACKKK!!!

Unknown said...

Lily! You look amazing, though of course I understand how terrible the aches and pains must feel... take good care. I wish you all the best with your birth, recovery, and welcoming your new baby girl into your family!