Monday, April 26, 2010

Calliope Turns Two (Months)!

It's hard to believe that it's already been two months since Calliope was born. It seems like just the other day I was the size of a whale with swollen ankles and just one child to chase after. Now, I've lost my whale-esque proportions, but it's mainly because I've got two rugrats keeping me busy - so busy that I often forget to eat. Thanks, kids! No really... THANKS.
.Calliope's two-month birthday meant a trip to the doctor's office for her two-month checkup, but not before first taking a trip to the blood draw center for a routine check of her levels. And if getting blood drawn wasn't bad enough, she received her first round of vaccinations once she got to the ped's office.
Yeah, Calliope wasn't too happy about that, either.
Unfortunately, the results of her blood test that morning were less than perfect, so more tears were shed a few days later when her blood had to be drawn again to determine whether or not a transfusion would be necessary.
Isn't it cute how the warmer on her arm matches her hoodie? Hey, I was just trying to see the bright side of things that morning!
Luckily, the results of this test were better, so no transfusion necessary - WHEW! We'll be repeating the tests again in a few days, so cross fingers and toes!

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