Saturday, April 24, 2010

Station 67

Almost a year ago, Benjamin and I took a field trip to the neighborhood fire station. At the time, he was just shy of a year-and-a-half and was still unable to fully appreciate how very cool the fire station could be to a toddler. Sure, he enjoyed gaping at the big red firetrucks and even standing inside of one, but he was still too little to be able to explore it much on his own. Well, a few weeks ago, we paid the same fire station another visit, and it was a whole new experience for him.
This time, he was able to run willy-nilly behind, around, and inside of the fire engines. It's a good thing there was a helpful fireman around to rescue him from his own intrepid spirit!
Yes, Benjamin was more than happy to make himself completely at home in Station 67. One moment he was climbing up on the window ledge to get a better view of the neighborhood, the next moment, he was giving the firemen's pole a spin and trying on their bright yellow gear - a far cry from last year when the sight of a fireman in his gear was enough to scare Benjamin into a stunned silence. A lot changes in a year, huh?
Benjamin's newfound courage wasn't the only thing that was new during this visit - he also had a new partner-in-crime in his buddy Kayla.
Another new girl on the scene was baby sister Calliope. It's strange to think that during our last visit to the fire station, she wasn't even a twinkle in my eye. Like I said, a lot changes in a year! Unlike her brother, who was busy tearing around the building, Calliope was content to spend the entire time tucked securely inside my sling. Well, not quite the entire time...
I guess some things stay the same!

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